cup profile
Our smooth house blend is the perfect medium roast to sip all day long! Consisting of 65% of a lighter roast of our Peruvian beans, and 35% of our Guatemalan beans, this blend is smooth and lucious, with notes of chocolate, brown sugar, and perfectly balanced!
Our Guatemalan beans come from Sololá, Village, Guatemala. The climate is a subtropical highland, with months of almost no rain. Most rainfall occurs during summer and early fall. Weather is relatively mild and summers are cool. All of these details combined make for a delicious bean and awesome roast.
Elevation: 1,250–1,850 Meters
The Peruvian beans are from the Cajamarca region of Peru, located in the northern highlands, in the Andes Mountains and boardering Ecuador. he city has an elevation of 2,700 metres (8,900 ft) above sea level in the Andes Mountain Range, the longest mountain range in the world. Part of its territory includes the Amazon Rainforest, the largest in the world.
Elevation: 1,000-2,050 Meters
certifications & cooperatives Nahuala and Cecanor
The Café Femenino Guatemala Program began in 2005 when women coffee farmers first organized in order to receive fair compensation for their essential role in Guatemala’s coffee industry. Despite initial barriers including an ingrained cultural stigma against women meeting without men, the women have worked tirelessly to grow Café Femenino Guatemala.
The women of CECANOR in Peru are proud to be the originators of the Café Femenino concept. While women have always been crucial to coffee production in Peru, men traditionally held the economic power. In 2004, 464 female coffee producers in Peru united to change this dynamic and take a step toward empowerment by creating the first Café Femenino co-op. Now, they feel proud to instill in their daughters the expectation that they will grow up to become leaders in their community—just like their mothers and grandmothers.
This bean is organic and fair trade.